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Numerous and millions of reasons as to why women love handbags very much. Obviously, it is not just for the sake of keeping up with the trend. Handbags  to women are not just for fashion statements, though intricate style and elegance that put up so much in our everyday apparel. Honestly there will be many women would be muzzy and weak if they don’t have their handbags with them. Hence, it is important to talk about handbags as a matter of importance, complexity, and even investment other than their stylish features.

Majority of the women often look for handbags that can be used for their day-to-day activities. For them, style is one thing that they consider; but more than that, what they consider to be necessary is its capacity to keep their essential belongings wherever they may choose to go. Women consider handbags as their complement and other half in doing shopping and buying groceries, which means they should not be too heavy or bulky. Women buy handbags for long-term use so even if the price is expensive, they choose to flourish it off since what they are looking for in a bag is the quality. If it’s good and durable with a price tag stating that you get more than what you paid for and value of money.

On the other hand fashion accessories, which are the essential elements of fashion, play a secondary role to the wearer’s outfit, where definitely an individual's outfit is incomplete. Each and every accessory has significant importance and gives a unique look to the respective person and reflects his or her style. Accessories like, belts, goggles, jewellery, watches, footwear, bangles, necklaces and many more., every item has its own look and identity and that enhances the look of the person wearing it. These accessories give completeness and satisfaction to fashion, which ultimately expresses style and individuality.

Some fashion analysts and forecasters give importance to accessories and predict it as the most essential aspect of fashion. According to them, accessories make style more classic. In fact, many times, if accessories are chosen wisely, they make even odd or boring-looking dresses very attractive. However, as per the fashion  experts, it is not an easy task, as choosing the right, suitable, and matching accessories, which are essentially based on the wearer’s physical look and the dress bought to wear, needs a deeper aesthetic sense. Wearing anything with anything does not make sense. Each accessory enhances the looks and identity of the wearer, provided it is chosen wisely.

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