About TNJ

This website is unique and inspirational, it is a break-the-odd of showcasing and selling quality well-made replica bags, what you see  is what you extremely will get. The concept of this website started upon reading a rare story of how bags and handbags became an essential part of day to day living and fashion. Bags are not a new invention, as long as humans have had items to carry, we have created bags in which to carry them. In very early years, humans were using bundles and pouches made from fibres to store and transport food and tools. The drawstring carrier was worn dangling from a belt by both men and women from at least the time of Ancient Rome to the Renaissance and afar. The woman’s handbag as we know it, however, is a much more recent development in the long, modest history of the bag.

Prior to the invention of the handbag, women carried necessities in pockets and is separate, but, unlike men’s pockets, which were part of a man’s garment, a woman’s pockets were an entirely separate vestment compared to men’s pocket that is part of their trousers or shirts.  And because of the slimmer silhouette of the new style dresses, it became a grim fashion faux pas to wear bulky pockets beneath their dresses. Pocket-lines were the panty covering of the 1790’s and no fashion-forward woman would be caught sporting them and with the demise of women’s pockets, came the birth of the women’s bag.

Whether one was in favour of or set against the handbag for women, in the absence of working pockets, a functional bag would quickly become an obvious component of a woman’s daily life. Although it would go through many changes over the years, its size, shape, or decoration shifting with each new decade’s sensibilities, by the late-nineteenth century the handbag was here to stay and will continue to evolve. As the years progressed and handbags became further embedded in women’s daily lives, they became a gauge for the times, cleverly reflecting the sensibilities of the women who sported them and the culture in which those women lived.

The handbag’s past may not be long, only a recent few hundred years out of many new generations, but the history of the handbag is the history of women - women’s changing preferences, priorities, and roles in society. Handbags have succeeded in times of excess and survived in times of paucity. We cannot perceive the future of the woman’s handbag. But, if its past is any indicator, we can be sure the handbag of the future will reflect the values of a woman of the future.